Concert : Schwenke & Nilo du Chili

18.05 2012 /
19h30 INTAL Chaussée d'haecht 53 à 1210 Bruxelles

Concierto_SN.gifSchwenke y Nilo

Concier­to en la Sala Lumen, Bru­se­las, Bélgica.

18 de mayo 2012.
Chaus­sée de Boon­dael 36
1050 Ixelles

Quar­tier : Fla­gey, Ixelles

Comu­ni­ca­do de pren­sa Gira Europa
par Gon­za­lo Sam­sa, lun­di 30 avril 2012, 22:46 ·

Dúo Schwenke y Nilo lle­va Todo el sur por Europa

El dúo Schwenke y Nilo extiende el mapa del sur chi­le­no a Euro­pa. El martes 1 de mayo el des­ta­ca­do conjun­to empren­derá un ciclo de actua­ciones por el Vie­jo Conti­nente con reci­tales en cin­co países donde mos­trarán una selec­ción de sus can­ciones consi­de­ra­das clá­si­cas en la músi­ca chi­le­na, ahí donde se fun­den can­ción y poesía como una invi­ta­ción a reen­con­trarse con la bel­le­za, el encan­to y la noble­za de un tra­ba­jo artís­ti­co que suma más de 33 años.

Tam­bién apro­ve­charán de pre­sen­tar el libro “Schwenke y Nilo : leyen­da del Sur” del per­io­dis­ta Rodri­go Pin­chei­ra, cuya edi­ción nacio­nal está ago­ta­da, reci­bien­do has­ta aho­ra los mejores comen­ta­rios y elo­gios del públi­co y de la pren­sa especializada.

Seña­la el des­ta­ca­do musicó­lo­go José Manuel Izquier­da que “El sur, en las can­ciones de Schwenke y Nilo, se trans­for­ma en una posi­ción frente a la vida enrai­za­da en un entra­ma­do esté­ti­co y éti­co”, consta­ta­ción de un men­saje huma­nis­ta, de cer­canía huma­na y encuen­tro de alte­ri­dad, lo que otor­ga, afir­ma Izquier­do, “un enorme valor en tiem­pos que ambas cosas (las rela­ciones huma­nas y una cier­ta eco­logía de la músi­ca) pare­cen tener cada vez más impor­tan­cia social”.

La gira por Euro­pa la empren­derá el dúo jun­to al gui­tar­ris­ta Edgar­do Riquelme y el bajis­ta Car­los Martí­nez des­pués de un agi­ta­do calen­da­rio de reci­tales en el vera­no y que ha conti­nua­do con pre­sen­ta­ciones en dis­tin­tas ciu­dades del país, actuan­do en Coy­haique y Aysén en apoyo al movi­mien­to social, Antil­hue, Val­pa­raí­so, San­tia­go, Chi­loé, Quillo­ta, en un mul­ti­tu­di­na­rio concier­to con el colec­ti­vo “Can­cio­ne­ro chi­le­no”, Copiapó y esta sema­na en Valdivia. 

El calen­da­rio euro­peo de los crea­dores de “Mi can­to”, “Val­di­via 1960, “Llu­vias del Sur abrirá en Por­tu­gal el 3 de mayo en Lis­boa y el día 5 en el Conser­va­to­rio de Músi­ca de Coim­bra, para conti­nuar con dos concier­tos en Luxem­bur­go el 8 y 9 en el Tea­tro L ´Inoui, uno de los prin­ci­pales cen­tros musi­cales de esa ciu­dad. Tres días des­pués la gira pro­se­guirá en Sue­cia, con un espe­ra­do reci­tal en Esto­col­mo, ciu­dad donde el dúo se ha pre­sen­ta­do con cier­ta regu­la­ri­dad estos últi­mos años. El penúl­ti­mo concier­to los lle­vará a Bél­gi­ca a la Sala Lumen de Bru­se­las y la gira ter­mi­nará en París el 21 de mayo en la Sala André Romad de la capi­tal fran­ce­sa, espa­cio artís­ti­co-cultu­ral que dirige el des­ta­ca­do músi­co chi­le­no y ex Illa­pu, Osval­do Torres. (Celu­lar Nel­son Schwenke : 93317262).


Schwenke y Nilo duo lead­sAll of sou­thern Euro­peThe duo Nile Schwenke and extends the map of sou­thern Chile to Europe. On Tues­day May 1 will launch the set fea­tu­red a series of per­for­mances by the Old World with concerts in five coun­tries show a selec­tion of his songs consi­de­red clas­si­cal music in Chile, where song and poe­try merge as an invi­ta­tion to redis­co­ver the beau­ty, charm and nobi­li­ty of an artis­tic work which totals more than 33 years.Also take advan­tage of pre­sen­ting the book “Schwenke y Nilo : Legend of the South” by jour­na­list Rodri­go Pin­chei­ra, whose natio­nal edi­tion is sold out, recei­ving far the best reviews and praise from the public and the press.Notes the outs­tan­ding musi­co­lo­gist José Manuel Left that “The South, in the songs of Schwenke and Nile becomes a posi­tion on the life roo­ted in an aes­the­tic and ethi­cal fra­me­work”, fin­ding a huma­nist mes­sage of human clo­se­ness and mee­ting other­ness, giving, says Izquier­do, “is inva­luable in times that both (human rela­tions and some eco­lo­gy of music) seem to have increa­sing social importance.“The tour of Europe under­ta­ken by the duo with the gui­ta­rist and bas­sist Edgar Riquelme Car­los Mar­ti­nez after a hec­tic sche­dule of concerts in the sum­mer and has conti­nued with per­for­mances in cities across the coun­try, acting in Coy­haique and Aysen in sup­port of the social move­ment , Antil­hue, Val­pa­rai­so, San­tia­go, Chi­loé, Quillo­ta, in a crow­ded concert with the group “Chi­lean Song­book,” and this week in Copia­po Valdivia.The Euro­pean calen­dar from the crea­tors of “My song”, “Val­di­via 1960,” Sou­thern Rain ope­ned in Por­tu­gal in Lis­bon on May 3 and day 5 at the Conser­va­to­ry of Music of Coim­bra, to conti­nue with two concerts in Luxem­bourg on 8 and 9 at Tea­tro L’I­noui, one of the major music cen­ters of the city. Three days after the tour will conti­nue in Swe­den with a long-awai­ted concert in Stock­holm, where the duo has per­for­med with some regu­la­ri­ty in recent years. The penul­ti­mate concert will take Bel­gium to the Board Lumen of Brus­sels and the tour ends in Paris on May 21 in Room André Romad of the French capi­tal, artis­tic and cultu­ral space that runs the outs­tan­ding musi­cian and for­mer Chi­lean Illa­pu, Osval­do Torres. (Nel­son Schwenke Cell : 93,317,262)

Schwenke y Nilo duo lead­sAll of sou­thern Euro­peThe duo Nile Schwenke and extends the map of sou­thern Chile to Europe. On Tues­day May 1 will launch the set fea­tu­red a series of per­for­mances by the Old World with concerts in five coun­tries show a selec­tion of his songs consi­de­red clas­si­cal music in Chile, where song and poe­try merge as an invi­ta­tion to redis­co­ver the beau­ty, charm and nobi­li­ty of an artis­tic work which totals more than 33 years.Also take advan­tage of pre­sen­ting the book “Schwenke y Nilo : Legend of the South” by jour­na­list Rodri­go Pin­chei­ra, whose natio­nal edi­tion is sold out, recei­ving far the best reviews and praise from the public and the press.Notes the outs­tan­ding musi­co­lo­gist José Manuel Left that “The South, in the songs of Schwenke and Nile becomes a posi­tion on the life roo­ted in an aes­the­tic and ethi­cal fra­me­work”, fin­ding a huma­nist mes­sage of human clo­se­ness and mee­ting other­ness, giving, says Izquier­do, “is inva­luable in times that both (human rela­tions and some eco­lo­gy of music) seem to have increa­sing social importance.“The tour of Europe under­ta­ken by the duo with the gui­ta­rist and bas­sist Edgar Riquelme Car­los Mar­ti­nez after a hec­tic sche­dule of concerts in the sum­mer and has conti­nued with per­for­mances in cities across the coun­try, acting in Coy­haique and Aysen in sup­port of the social move­ment , Antil­hue, Val­pa­rai­so, San­tia­go, Chi­loé, Quillo­ta, in a crow­ded concert with the group “Chi­lean Song­book,” and this week in Copia­po Valdivia.The Euro­pean calen­dar from the crea­tors of “My song”, “Val­di­via 1960,” Sou­thern Rain ope­ned in Por­tu­gal in Lis­bon on May 3 and day 5 at the Conser­va­to­ry of Music of Coim­bra, to conti­nue with two concerts in Luxem­bourg on 8 and 9 at Tea­tro L’I­noui, one of the major music cen­ters of the city. Three days after the tour will conti­nue in Swe­den with a long-awai­ted concert in Stock­holm, where the duo has per­for­med with some regu­la­ri­ty in recent years. The penul­ti­mate concert will take Bel­gium to the Board Lumen of Brus­sels and the tour ends in Paris on May 21 in Room André Romad of the French capi­tal, artis­tic and cultu­ral space that runs the outs­tan­ding musi­cian and for­mer Chi­lean Illa­pu, Osval­do Torres. (Nel­son Schwenke Cell : 93,317,262)