Screening : The Resistance of Palestinian Women in Hebron

29.03 2019 /
19h Pianofabriek 35, rue du Fort 1060 Bruxelles


The Euro­pean Net­work of Migrant Women (ENoMW), Το Μωβ (The Purple in Greek) and FemAr­tAct are plea­sed to invite you to the scree­ning of Part I of the docu­men­ta­ry series “Peace vs Piece”, by Alexia Tsouni. 

We will start the event with the scree­ning of The Resis­tance of Pales­ti­nian Women in Hebron, fol­lo­wed by a debate with Alexia Tsou­ni her­self on the dai­ly resis­tance of Pales­ti­nian women, and film direc­tor Sad­die Choua whom will present the chal­lenges, advan­tages and per­ils of femi­nist film making. 

Born in 1979 in Agri­nio (Greece), Alexia Tsou­ni moved to Athens in 1996 to stu­dy at the Natio­nal Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty. Since then she has been living in Athens, often tra­ve­ling abroad.
She holds a degree in Civil Engi­nee­ring and a Mas­ters degree Water Resources Mana­ge­ment, wor­king as a freelancer.
She began to acti­ve­ly engage, ever since she was a student, in ini­tia­tives, move­ments and human rights orga­ni­za­tions espe­cial­ly for femi­nism, peace, conscien­tious objec­tion and the rights of refu­gees and migrants. 

In 2018, on the occa­sion of the tra­gic 70th anni­ver­sa­ry of Nak­ba (the Great Catas­trophe for the Pales­ti­nians in 1948), she tra­ve­led to Pales­tine and Israel, met women strug­gling against the Israe­li occu­pa­tion, and par­ti­ci­pa­ted in rele­vant actions as an acti­vist of the femi­nist col­lec­tive The Purple, of which she is a foun­ding mem­ber. She is also mem­ber of the edi­to­rial board. Within this fra­me­work, with self-finan­cing, and in col­la­bo­ra­tion with pho­to­gra­pher Geor­gios Gian­no­pou­los, the “Peace vs Piece” tri­lo­gy was created. 

Often star­ting from ‘docu­men­ta­ry’ mate­rial, visual or tex­tual, Sad­die Choua mixes fic­tion, lite­ra­ture, music, thea­ter into com­plex spa­tial events.
Sad­die wants to break with the lan­guage of contem­po­ra­ry media, as well as with the fas­ci­nia­tion for exo­tism which is often evo­ked as a pseudo-reality.

Her chal­lenge is not only to present alter­na­tive sto­ries but to create situa­tions in which the spec­ta­tor dis­co­vers the mecha­nisms at play in films and entertainment.

Join us in Pia­no­fa­briek from 7PM for two hours of Pales­ti­nian femi­nist resistance !

“Peace vs Piece” (Part I)| Σκην.
Type : Documentary
Year : 2019
Dura­tion : 57 min
Lan­guage : English
Direction/Research : Alexia Tsouni
Photography/Editing : Geor­gios Giannopoulos
Pro­duc­tion : To Mov & FemArtAct
Coun­try : Greece

The first part of the “Peace vs Piece” tri­lo­gy, The Resis­tance of Pales­ti­nian Women in Hebron, is fil­med in Hebron and pre­sents the harsh dai­ly life of Pales­ti­nians in this frag­men­ted his­to­ric city, with its buf­fer zone in the heart of the city and the ille­gal Israe­li set­tle­ments that are constant­ly expan­ding under the pro­tec­tion of the Israe­li occu­pa­tion army.
The film pre­sents the struggle of Pales­ti­nian women, which have to deal with Israe­li occu­pa­tion and set­tlers, as well as the dai­ly pro­blems ari­sing out of patriar­chal sys­tems of oppres­sion. It also pre­sents the resis­tance of the women in Hebron through the work of orga­ni­sa­tions such as Youth Against Set­tle­ments and ADWAR. 

Doors Opens at 18.30.
Free Entrance.

Please contact the fol­lo­wing for more information :
Adria­na S.Thiago :
Pen­ny Papas­py­ro­pou­lou :

source : face­book